Matric pursuing students of Bihar are intimated that the Bihar School Examination Board, Patna is all set to commence 10th public exams for the students. The matric exam has been scheduled to be held in February between 17th and 24th 2020 and so students are directed to get ready to face them. Many students have already enrolled to take part in the board exam and have also started their exciting quest for the Bihar Board 10th Result 2020. In this article we have talked in detail about the Bihar board matric result 2020. Have a read!
Update: BSEB 10th Result 2020 will be releasing today at 12:30 PM. We recommend students to visit Bihar Board website more frequently. Subscribe to get the notifications about the availability of Bihar Board 10th Result here.
About Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
The Bihar School Examination Board, which is shortly called as BSEB was established under the section 3 of Bihar School Examination Act – 1952. The board functions under the Government of Bihar and is devised to conduct examinations at secondary and senior secondary classes. The board is affiliated to schools run by private and government authorities. BSEB is headquartered in the capital of Bihar i.e., Patna. Other than the school examinations, the board also conducts departmental examinations like Diploma in Physical Education, Certificate in Physical Education and Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for contenders belonging to Bihar state.
Also, the board religiously conducts secondary and senior secondary examinations for the eligible students twice a year. While one is an annual regular board examination the other one is a supplementary exam conducted in February and August respectively. Soon after conducting the exams, the board also releases the results. This year as well, the BSEB will come up with BSEB 10th Result 2020 via its official website. Students who are after the result download can check with the website to get it downloaded.
Name of the Board | Bihar School Examination Board |
Acronym | BSEB |
Established year | 1952 |
Conducting Exam | Matric |
Official website | |
BSEB 10th Result 2020 / Bihar Board Matric Result
BSEB organizes matric exams for its students on a regular note without miss. The exams are conducted in February-March every year very sincerely and students take part in them with great hope for their future. The 10th marks play a key role for the students and we all know that very well. The good score secured here will help the students further in choosing best courses. So, students try hard to attain cracking scores in the board exams. With the same intent they check the Bihar Board 10th Result. So, here we help the students to retrieve their result easily. It is obvious for the students to feel anxious about their result. However, we ask our readers to wait a little while with patience to hold their result in hand.

The board releases the result only by means of its official website. Students can however find the direct links to download the result in various popular websites including our website. The board before announcing the result shall intimate the same to the students through a short notification. The higher authority of board is the one to declare the result officially. The higher scorers in the Matric exam across the state will be announced along with their marks, names and other details. The district wise toppers list shall also be revealed there and then. Immediately students will be given access to their result. Students need to keep their particulars like roll number and date of birth at hand to fetch their Bihar Board Matric Result 2020 instantly.
Name of Exam | BSEB 10th Exams 2020 |
Exam Conducting Body | Bihar School Examination Board |
Exam Dates | 17th February 2020 to 24th February 2020 |
Result Date | Tentatively in 1st Week of May 2020 |
Official Website to Check Result | |
Bihar Board 10th Result Date 2020
Now coming to the main thing about the result, the result release date, the board shall release it in May/April. Once the exams wrap up, the board will focus on paper evaluation, which will take around a month to month and half time. Soon after the completion of the evaluation the board will come up with result release. Last year, the board has revealed the result on 6th April. This year too it is expected that the result will be out around the same time. As the exams are going to wrap up soon by the third week of February, there are high chances that the result will be released in the first week of April itself. Citing this information, students are advised to keep their eye on the official website to download the Bihar Board Matric Result as soon as it is released.
For those who want to know the tentative date of Bihar board matric exam 2020, we are here with the date as well. Tentatively the board is going to release the 10th public exam results for the year 2020 on 2nd April 2020. Students will likely get to know their marks on the said date only. So we request our readers to bookmark the official website and check it regularly for the result related updates. Students will be updated about the exact date of result release pretty near in the future in this same page. So keep in touch with us as well.
How To Check Bihar Board 10th Exam Result 2020
To check the Bihar board 10th result 2020, students need to follow certain pre-defined procedure. The procedure is dictated by none other than the board itself to the students. However many students don’t know how to check the process so we are here to help them out with it. Here we have shared two popular procedures to check the BSEB 10th Result. The first process is to download the result through online mode by visiting the official website of BSEB. While the second procedure is to download the result through simple SMS. Students can opt for any of the ways to get the result downloaded. We have discussed both here.
How To Check BSEB 10th Result Online
- To check your BSEB result, first open the official website of Bihar board –
- In the homepage of the website you can find notifications scrolling on the top.
- Click on the concerned result link and you will be directed to a new page.
- In the opened new page you will have to enter your details like 5-digit roll code and 8-digit roll number.
- Enter the details appropriately and click on ‘Find Results’.
- The result will be immediately displayed on the screen.
- Check the subject wise marks and the overall score secured and then download the result.
- Take a printout of your result for future use.
Students who want to download the official result should wait a little while. The Bihar Board 10th Result Marksheet shall be released little bit later and that can be collected from the respective schools.
Check Bihar Board 10th Result Through SMS
To check the Bihar 10th result, students can follow the SMS procedure as well. It is pretty easy process to follow and to fetch the result. To do this students should have a hand phone with them. All you need to do is type an SMS saying BSEB<SPACE> Roll Number and send it to 56263. As soon as your SMS is delivered, you will get a reply with your marks. Check your marks and wait to get your original marksheet in hands.
Bihar Board 10th Result Stats Of Past 5 Years
As matric exams are of public type, students generally face pressure over them. It is common for the students to feel pressurized to score good in the board exams. However, it is important for the students to score good in the exams in order to choose a better course in the next level of education. Students who want to check the Bihar Board 10th Exam Result 2020 are advised to go through the table given below to know the performance of the students in the past five years. This will assist the students know the pass percentages as well.
Year | Candidates Appeared | Overall Pass % | Boys Passed | Girls Passed |
2019 | 16,60,609 | 80.73 | 683990 | 636046 |
2018 | 17,58,000 | 68.89 | 667505 | 544112 |
2017 | 17,71,000 | 50.12 | 51.31% | 40% |
2016 | 15,38,789 | 46.66 | 54.44% | 37.61% |
2015 | 1,409,175 | 75.17 | 54.06% | 45.93% |
From the above table, one can see that the boys have outshined girls in terms of pass percentage. The overall pass percentage has gradually increased from the year 2015 to year 2019. So this year the board has higher expectations on the students to gain great pass percentage compared to last year.
Bihar Board Revaluation / Rechecking Result 2020
Coming to the revaluation/rechecking result of, students will get to take a note of them shortly. The board will carry on with revaluation process once the result is out and students have raised queries regarding their marks. If students don’t find their result satisfying, they will raise a revaluation or rechecking process through their school. The board will reevaluate the answer booklet once again and come up with the result. Students who opt for revaluation process can check the result through the same official website. The concerned link shall be uploaded in the official website for download.
Bihar 10th Supplementary Results 2020
The 2020 supplementary results will also be made available in the official website. Students who failed in the regular exams and ought to appear for the supply exams can check the corresponding results by visiting the official website of Bihar board. The process to check the supply results is the same as aforesaid. Students who have taken the supply exams are advised to check their supply result from our page as well. We shall update the activate link to download the supply results here in this page shortly.
Bihar Board Matric Result Updates 2020
29th March 2020: As per few news paper reports, the BSEB 10th paper evaluation is over. Some reports stated that the result will be declared today whereas, other reports confirmed that BSEB 10th Result 2020 is not going to be declared today. Anyhow, with these mixed reports we cannot confirm whether the Bihar 10th result will be declared today or not as there is no official confirmation from the board authorities.
2nd April 2020 Update: As per the Hindustan Times report, Bihar Board 10th exam paper evaluation will resume only after lockdown ends. As we all know entire country under lockdown till 14th April. So we can expect Bihar Board 10th Result after 14th April 2020 only.
11th April 2020 Update: As per the India Today, Bihar Board 10th exam paper evaluation depends on Covid-19 Lockdown. If the lockdown extended further, paper evaluation will start after April 30. So, we can’t expect Bihar Board 10th Result this month.
20th May 2020 Update: As per the Information published on News websites, bihar board 10th result 2020 is going to release today. We advise students to keep their hall ticket ready with them, to check result Quickly. More information about BSEB 10th result 2020 is given below.
20th May 2020 (04:00 PM) Update: Recent media reports states that, Bihar Board may not be announcing the BSEB 10th Result 2020 today. As per few news sources, the board is still in preparations to finally announce the results. So, students have to wait some more time to check their scores. Meanwhile, stay tuned and subscribe to get the time to time updates on class 10 results.
BSEB 10th Result 2020 FAQs
Students having any queries regarding the Bihar Board 10th Results can check out the following FAQs and clear their doubts.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What is the Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 Declaration Date?” answer-0=”BSEB is expected to announce BSEB 10th Result before 10th April 2020.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Is the Online generated BSEB 10th Marksheet 2020 Valid?” answer-1=”No, the online generated 10th marksheet is just for reference purpose. Bihar Board will give the original marksheets through the respective schools.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What is the Passing Criteria of Bihar Board Matric Result 2020?” answer-2=”The pass marks for Science and Social Science subjects is 40. Whereas, for remaining subjects the pass marks is 33. However, students need to qualify in all subjects to pass in BSEB 10th exams.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”What are all the Details Necessary to Check BSEB 10th Result 2020?” answer-3=”Candidates need to have roll code and roll number available on the Bihar Board 10th Admit Card 2020 to check results from official website.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”What if Student Failed in Bihar Board 10th Class Exams?” answer-4=”Students to reappear in the 10th exams which are called BSEB 10th Supplementary exams and clear the papers to get promoted for higher education.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h3″ question-5=”How Long it Will Take to Announce Bihar Board 10th Supplementary Result?” answer-5=”It takes atleast 2 to 3 weeks to announce the BSEB 10th Compartmental exam results from the date of completion of supply exams.” image-5=”” count=”6″ html=”true” css_class=””]
This is it about Bihar Board 10th Result 2020. Students who find the information provided in this particle useful can bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN and visit us often for more such result articles.
kab ayega sir mera matric result?
please tell me my marks sir after releasing my BSEB ka 10th result
looking for the result sir. Please tell me correct date
pass mark kya sir to qualify in matric exam?