Soon after the intermediate exams wrap up students shift their focus onto the results release. It is pretty common every year as students usually tend to feel curious to know their marks. The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) is going to organise the intermediate exams for the first and second year students in March and soon after the completion of the exams students straightly visit the official website to know their TS Intermediate Results 2020. To assist them to check their results and to reveal the dates of results release we are here today.
Update: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there can be delay in the TS Inter Results 2020 announcement. However, there is no update from authorities regarding the correction of papers and results release date as there is a Lockdown going on in the country right now. Once official details are out, we would add the details here as soon as possible. So, stay tuned for the updates.
About Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE)
Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education is the education board in the state of Telangana that takes care of the education system. The board is established in 2014 and is headquartered in Nampally, Hyderabad. The board is meant to supervise and regulate the intermediate education in Telangana. It governs various functions such as prescribing syllabus, devising courses of study, organising board exams, offering affiliations, directing the affiliated colleges, leading the colleges that fall under its jurisdiction. The board lays regulations to be followed by the junior colleges in the state. It offers affiliation to both private and government colleges across the state. It board has the right to inspect the colleges to find out how the classes are going. It conducts academic inspections of the colleges and also decides the qualification for the junior lecturers.
The board conducts the intermediate exams twice every year i.e., regular session and supplementary session. The board conducts separate exams for inter first and second year students. It conducts intermediate board exams at the end of inter 1st year and at the end of inter 2nd year. Past in time before bifurcation the board used to conduct the intermediate exam at the end of inter 2nd year alone. However, with the increasing syllabus the board has decided to split the exams into two and from then has been conducting separate exams for inter first and second years. The board other than conducting the exams also issues certificates to those who have qualified in the exam with minimum pass marks. This year as well the board is going to announce the BIE Telangana intermediate results 2020 in April post which the board issues certificates for the qualified students.
Name of the Exam Authority | Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) |
Board Formed Year | 2014 |
Exams Conducted | SSC, Intermediate exams |
Official Website | |
The board also sanctions new colleges in the state taking into consideration the increasing students coming forward to pursue the education. The board also issues eligibility and equivalency certificates to the students that wish to go for further studies. The board strives hard to make the intermediate education accessible to all sections of the society. It pays special attention towards the rural, socially backward and tribal sections of the society. The board aims at offering quality education even to the students from the remote villages. Other than the academics the board also makes sure that its students focus on marketable skills, by introducing professional and specialized courses in concepts like Computer Science, Graphics, and Tourism etc.
TS Intermediate Result 2020 / Telangana Inter Results 2020
TS board is popular educational board in the state that conducts state level exams for the eligible students. One of the main and primary functions of the board is to conduct the intermediate board exams for the students. Every year scores of students take part in the exams in Telangana state for both inter first and second years jointly. Students enroll for both regular and vocational exams. They take up the exams with utmost sincerity as the result will decide their fate. Currently students that are going to appear for this year’s intermediate exams are in search for the TS Inter Results 2020. To help them check their results in time we are also here with some latest news and updates regarding the TS intermediate exams results 2020. Students are advised to turn on the notifications from our page so as to receive all the updates from us about the TS Inter results.

TS Intermediate 2nd Year Result 2020
For the class 11 and class 12 exams of TS board lakhs of students appear under both regular and vocational courses. The board has released the exam dates and according to it, the intermediate 2nd year exams will be held from 5th to 23rd March 2020. Students that have enrolled for the exams are hereby informed that the TS Intermediate 2nd Year Result 2020 will be released in April this year. The result can be expected to be released in the third week of April.
TS Intermediate 1st Year Result 2020
The TS board is going to organise the intermediate 1st year exams from 4th to 21st March 2020. Students are going to take exam very strictly and after the closing of it they will follow the official website for their TS Inter 1st Year Results 2020. If you are also one among them who are in quest for the first year results then find the deets here. The first year result will be released along with the second year result on the same date and time. So students need not get confused over the date of results release and check their result once the notification is out and the link is activated.
Name of the Board Exam | Intermediate Public Examination (IPE) |
Dates of Inter First Year Exams | March 4th to 21st March 2020 |
Dates of Inter Second Year Exams | March 5th to |
TS Inter Result 2020 Date | 18th April tentatively |
TS Intermediate Results 2020 Date and Time
Students must be in a rush to check their result already and it can be guessed by us. Nevertheless we suggest our readers who are reading this article here now to relax and wait patiently for a little while to know in detail about the TS Intermediate results 2020 date and time. In order for us to know about the date and time of results release the board needs to first make a decision on it. Only when the decision is taken by the board we will get to know it through a notification. Students will be notified about the exact date of results release by us in this same page. So students keep visiting us again and again to get the news.
TS Inter 2nd Year Results 2020 Date
The TS board takes a month to month-and-half time for the answer sheets correction. Once the corrections are over it comes up with the result declaration. The same thing is going to happen this year as well. Last year the TS board has disclosed the result on 18th April. So this year as well we can assume that the result will be announced around the same date. The TS Intermediate Result 2020 Date will be updated by us here within a short period of time. Last year the board has announced the inter 2nd year result on 18th April. This year also we can suppose that the result will be announced on the similar date.
TS Inter 1st Year Results 2020 Date
Students who are going to take the inter first year exams and are wanting to know their result announcement date now itself then you are in the right page. Students need to note that the board announces the first and second year results on the same date. So, the TS Inter First Year Results 2020 will be announced on 18th April 2020.
How to check Telangana Intermediate Results 2020
Students who are new to the process of checking or downloading their intermediate results can get a tip of it from here. We have brought before you the steps through which you can reach out to your results. The steps are not our own and are pre-defined by the board itself, which means they are completely official. Students can seek the help of the steps that we have mentioned here to fetch their TS Inter second year Results 2020 along with the first year’s. Here we have shared three procedures to download your intermediate first and second year results. Let the year may be anything the process to check the result is the same.
Check TS Intermediate Results 2020 On Official website
- Students can check their Telangana intermediate results 2020 by visiting the official website of TS board –
- The page opens and in that click on ‘Website’ tab.
- It will take you to the website where you can see the result link.
- Under the news & announcements section you will find the link you are looking for i.e., ‘IPE March 2020 Results Download’ and click on it.
- The link will open in a new tab where you need to enter your Hall Ticket number.
- After entering it hit on ‘Get Results’ button.
- It will fetch the results instantly.
- Check your marks in each subject and also the grade you have secured.
Check TS Inter Results 2020 on Manabadi
Manabadi is one of the most trustworthy third party website that hosts the results just like the official one. Students who face difficulty downloading the TS results from the official website can completely rely on the Manabadi website i.e., to download their result. The TS Inter Results 2020 Manabadi will be announced on the same date as of the official date. Students can seek the help of the Manabadi website to fetch their result. The process to check the result is same as for the official website. Students can input their roll number into the slot to get their result.
Check TS Intermediate Results 2020 by SMS
Students can also use the means of SMS to get their results. The SMS however should be in the format specified by the board. The SMS format is not the same for both the years. It differs from year to year. Also, the SMS format for general and vocational courses differ.
Intermediate Second Year
- For General course type TSGEN2REGISTRATION No. and send it to 56263
- For Vocational course type TSVOC2REGISTRATION No. and send it to 56263
Intermediate First Year
- For General course type the SMS as TSGEN1REGISTRATION No. and send it to 56263
- For Vocational course type the SMS as TSVOC1REGISTRATION No. and send it to 56263
On sending the SMS you will receive a reply consisting of your result.
TS Inter Results Stats of Past 5 years
The past year statistics show how students have performed in the board exams. We have tabulated the contents like pass percentage of general and vocational courses and the strength of students that took the exams in each course here for you. We have drafted separate tables for inter first year and inter second year. Students can refer the respective table depending on their standard. Looking at the tables hereunder one can say that the pass percentage for the general course is better compared to the vocational course.
TS Inter 2nd Year Results Stats
Once the TS Inter 2nd Year Result 2020 is released students can get an idea about the statistics. For now we are presenting you here the statistics of last 5 years. The pass % of general and vocational courses are competing neck and neck.
Year | No. of Students Appeared for General Course | No. of Students Appeared for Vocational Course | General Result Pass Percentage | Vocational Result Pass Percentage |
2015 | 431307 | 35071 | 55.63 | 43.45 |
2016 | 420042 | 36469 | 53.07 | 98.04 |
2017 | 436727 | 39147 | 57 | 51 |
2018 | 450000 | 40000 | 62.35 | 53 |
2019 | 409133 | 43520 | 60.5 | 53.2 |
TS Inter 1st Year Results Stats
The table for the first year statistics is also given here. Students who are appearing for the first year inter exams 2020 can look into this table for reference. The general and vocational course pass percentages seems to be almost same for the inter first year.
Year | No. of Students Appeared for General Course | No. of Students Appeared for Vocational Course | General Result Pass Percentage | Vocational Result Pass Percentage |
2015 | 472301 | 32727 | 54.66 | 53.63 |
2016 | 473001 | 33097 | 56.56 | 57.31 |
2017 | 464903 | 35383 | 67 | 64 |
2018 | 470000 | 36000 | 67.25 | 65 |
2019 | 382534 | 35727 | 64.8 | 67.7 |
TS Inter Revaluation Results 2020
Students who are unhappy with the marks they obtained in TS intermediate board exams can opt for re-evaluation. As a part of re-evaluation the board will evaluate the answer sheets once again. Soon after the result release the board releases the notification asking the interested students to apply for re-evaluation. Mostly after 15 days of result announcement the re-evaluation notification will be published by the board. The marks awarded to the students in the answer sheets will be calculated once again and the result will be announced. Students however need to pay certain amount for re-evaluation of their answer sheets. The re-evaluation result release won’t take long to start with. Students can expect their TS Inter Revaluation Results 2020 in June.
TS Inter Supplementary Results 2020
The TS board invites applications from the students that have failed in the regular exams so that they can apply for supply exams. The supplementary exams also called as compartmental exams will be held in May and exam schedule of it will be released shortly after the results announcement. First intermediate students can take the improvement exam to improve their marks in subjects they like. The board will pick the best of two to finalise the marks. The supply exams will be conducted in June/July and the TS inter supply results 2020 will be announced in August. The dates and application fee for supply exams will be disclosed by the board soon.
TS Inter Results 2020 FAQs
For all the common queries students would have on TS Inter 1st and 2nd year results, here are the FAQs that can give answers for all your doubts.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”Does TS Inter 1st Year and 2nd Year Results Release on the Same Date this Year?” answer-0=”This year TS Inter 1st year exams are over and TS Inter 2nd year exams are postponed due to Corona virus. So, the results of both the exams are expected on different dates.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What is the TS Intermediate 1st Year Result 2020 Declaration Date?” answer-1=”TS Inter 1st year results would be declared either in May or June 2020.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”What is the TS Inter 2nd Year Results 2020 Announcement Date?” answer-2=”As the few of the Telangana Intermediate 2nd year exams are postponed as of now, we cannot estimate the 2nd year result date.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”What are the Pass Marks Required to Qualify in TS Intermediate Exams 2020?” answer-3=”Candidates need to secure 35 marks in each subject to qualify TS Inter Exams.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h4″ question-4=”Is just TS Inter Hall Ticket Number enough to Check TS Inter Results?” answer-4=”Yes, with the help of TS Intermediate 2020 Hall Ticket Number, students will be able to access their results.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h4″ question-5=”Can I get the Original TS Inter Results 2020 Marksheet Online?” answer-5=”No, students can get Telangana Intermediate Marksheet from their respective schools only.” image-5=”” headline-6=”h4″ question-6=”Can a Failed Student Appear in Telangana Inter Supply Exams this Year?” answer-6=”Yes, board will give chance to each failed candidate to appear in TS Intermediate Supplementary exams and clear the subjects.” image-6=”” headline-7=”h4″ question-7=”How Many Days it Takes to Get the TS Inter 2020 Original Marksheet?” answer-7=”It may take few days after the TS Inter Results 2020 are declared officially.” image-7=”” count=”8″ html=”true” css_class=””]
Well, this is the information that we have exclusively compiled for you on TS Intermediate Results 2020. If you think our data is helpful in any way then do bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN and keep visiting our website often for more updates on the TS inter exam results 2020.
very nice information. i got correct details here. Yes friends, we can get result soon after lockdown
how can i calculate my marks in grades
after lockdown completes we can get results friends
when can i get result?