PSEB will roll out the admit cards for all the concerned schools and the students studying under it. The board informed the big news to the students who have been waiting with bated breaths to know the detailed information about their upcoming public exams. The PSEB 10th Admit Card 2021 for all the eligible students will be uploaded in the official website by the board. Students are required to download it before time and keep it safe until they check their PSEB 10th result. The roll number comes to use at the time of checking results.
PSEB 10th admit card 2021
The Punjab School Education Board came into existence in the year 1969 for the development and promotion of school education in the state of Punjab. The Vidhan Sabha has granted the board the right on self-government in 1987. The board covers all aspects of the school education in the state. The major activities of the board include necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of public examination at school level. The board currently is responsible for hosting public examinations at Middle, Matriculation and Senior Secondary Level. The board also prescribes the curriculum, courses of studies and text books for school education. The academic wing of the board will prepare and revise the syllabuses regularly and then prepare text books accordingly. The board also affiliates new schools in the state. The board makes utmost efforts to bring qualitative improvement in school education.

The other major aspect the board handles is the admit cards release. When the exams are round the corner as per the PSEB 10th Date Sheet 2021, the board ensures to release the admit card. The PSEB 10th Roll Number 2021 will be issued by the board at least a month prior to the exams. This is to ascertain that students are alert and are ready to take up the exams. The admit card mainly contains the details of the students and the board. The most important details on the admit card is the roll number. Students better remember their roll number in mind all the time. The roll number is allotted uniquely to all the students sitting for the exam. So, students need not worry about any conspiracy in the back end about it. The other particulars that are the admit card hosts are mentioned here for you. You can check through the details and confirm their accuracy before proceeding further with the download process.
How to Download Punjab Board 10th Admit Card
- To download the PSEB Roll No 10th, students need to first open the website of PSEB –
- In the website, the homepage contains a menu on the top that contains ‘Roll Number’ tab on it.
- Click on it and you will witness a list of admit card links there.
- From them you can find the link that says ‘Admit card of Compartment/Additional of Matriculation/Senior Secondary Examination March 2021’.
- Click on the link and it will open a new page containing two different links.
- Again click on the link saying ‘Admit card of Matric March 2021’.
- It will open a new page.
- Select the Batch/Year from the drop down menu and then select Reference number/Candidate name or father name or old roll number and click on Search button.
- The admit card appears on the screen instantly.
- Check the details and download it.
- Take a printout of it for PSEB 10th exam use.
Details Mentioned on PSEB 10th Roll Number
The details present on the punjab board 10th admit card are namely:
- Name of the candidate
- Father name
- Roll number
- Photograph
- Exam body name
- Exam timings
- Exam venue etc
This is the information printed on the PSEB 10th Admit Card 2021. Hope the information provided here is useful. Don’t forget to visit our website – KVPY.ORG.IN often for more such updates.
Admit card