Punjab State Board of Technical Education (PSBTE) has completed conducting diploma exams for all the three years students. The board scheduled a perfect date sheet according to which the exams were wrapped up for both even and odd semesters. The odd semester exams of 1st, 3rd and 5th were completed back in November for which the board has rolled out the results in March. Now the even semester exam papers are under scrutiny and the Punjab Polytechnic Result 2021 is greatly anticipated. The Punjab board is likely to announce the results very soon in the near future. Students can find latest information about PSBTE diploma results in this page. So have a good read!
About Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training (PSBTE & IT)
The Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training is an autonomous body established under the Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training 1992. The board regulates and controls standard of education offered to the students studying under it. The management of the board looks into the matters of admissions and also makes the decisions regarding conducting examinations. The board carries out many major activities like admissions, registration of students, conducting examinations, revision of curriculum, certifying qualified students etc. Coming to the admissions the board provides admissions to al the 33 Engineering Diploma courses in 165 institutions that are affiliated to it. Around 65,000 students get admission into the various courses offered by the board.

The board issues photo-registration cards to the students that study in the affiliated institutes of the board. It conducts examinations for the students twice in a year – May and December for the diploma students. The board also organises supplementary exams for the students. The board declares the results two months of the completion of the examination. The board finally issues certificates to those students that complete their degree successfully without any backlogs. The board also prepares the curricula as per the requirements of the industry. The board frequently updates the curricula considering the changes in the industry.
Board Name | Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training (PSBTE & IT) |
Established year | 1992 |
Official website | punjabteched.com |
Punjab Polytechnic Result for 1st, 3rd and 5th Semester
The PSBTE has held the odd semester exams for thousands of enrolled students in the month of November/December. The exams were held from 25th November to 19th December 2019 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semesters of diploma degree. The result of the odd semesters were released in March and students have already gone through their results. If you have missed out on your result then immediately visit the official website and download your Punjab Polytechnic Results 2021. Students can find the process to download the result down in our website. The process is clearly written in steps.
Students after checking their odd semester results can wait fir the board to issue then the original marks sheet. Also, we suggest the candidates not to completely rely on the marks that are shown in the website despite they are hosted by the board itself. This is because the board itself said it in its website that it is not responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the results being published on NET. The results published on net are for immediate information to the examinees and that they cannot be treated as final result. The board issues the original detail mark sheets to the students separately after a while. Students can collect them from their respective Polytechnic institutions.
PSBTE Diploma Result 2021 for 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester
Students that took the even semester i.e., 2nd, 4th and 6th semester exams in the month of May are waiting for their PSBTE Diploma Result 2021 release. They are pretty excited to know their marks as the marks secured at this stage will help them reach better places later. As the 6th sem is the final sem students that took the 6th semester exams are very curious to know their marks. Students are advised not to worry about anything and instead pay attention towards the studies they want to do further. The result once released will be hosted in the official website and we shall intimate you all the same through a simple post.
As the even semester exams were held in May students can expect that the results will be released two months from then. So, the result may be out in August. Students are requested to use their credentials like roll number or registration number to fetch their result. The the three senester results will be likely released on the same date. Whatever it is will be updated here in this page for you. Students shouldn’t wait for their PSBTE Polytechnic Results to come to them through post or something similar. The only way to get the results is through online mode. Other than the official website students can use private trustworthy websites as well to fetch their result.
Exam Name | Polytechnic/Diploma exam |
Diploma 1st, 3rd and 5th Sem Exam Dates | November/December |
Polytechnic 2nd, 4th and 6th Sem Exam Dates | April/May |
PSBTE Result Date 2021 for Diploma (odd sem) | May / June 2021 |
PSBTE Result Date 2021 for Diploma (even sem) | Nov / Dec 2021 |
PSBTE Result Date 2021 for Diploma
The Punjab technical board issued the results of all the three odd semesters in the month the Marks as we said earlier. The board has revealed the Punjab Diploma Result 2021 on 4th March officially. The results were released for all the streams like civil, mechanical, chemical, computers etc. Students who haven’t been through their result yet are advised to go get it from the official website right away. The details used to fetch the result and also the procedure are discussed below. You can can multiple results one after the other from the same system or device.
Students that are willing to know the date of PSBTE Result can know it from this page. Checking with the previous year’s result dates of even semesters we have come to a conclusion that the Punjab board would reveal the results of all the three even semesters in the month of August only. The exact date and time on which the results will be hosted online will be updated very soon in our website. Last year the Punjab board has rolled out the results on 14th August for some semesters and on different dates of August it released remaining semester results.
How to Check Punjab Polytechnic Results 2021 Online
Students are advised to check out the steps that we have compiled here to fetch your result. They are official and there is no looking back in downloading the result using these steps.
- Go to the official website of Punjab board – punjabteched.com.
- In the homepage of the website you can find ‘Examination – Diploma’ section.
- Under it you can find ‘Results’ link.
- Click on it and you are good to go to the result page.
- A new page opens containing a tab of various semester results.
- Click on ‘Nov 2020’ link if you took odd sem exams and ‘May 2021’ link if you took even sem exams.
- It will then open a page where you need to select your year, course, institute, month and class and click on Download Gazette.
- It will then open a PDF file which you need to download.
- Open the file after download and view your marks and pass status.
Details Present on PSBTE Polytechnic Results 2021
If you are unknown about the details that your result usually contains then you can get them from here. You result contains the following details. Cross check them here.
- Class
- Course code
- Branch name
- Institute name
- Exam date
- Registration number
- Name
- Marks obtained
- Reappear subject codes
- Status
Abbreviations to Know About PSBTE Diploma Result
Under the result some abbreviations will be present and students need to check them to know what are they. Here we have given those abbreviations for your reference.
- A- Absent
- D- Detainee
- N- Not applied
- R- Reappear
- RLC- Result late
- U- UMC (Unfair means of conduct)
- X- Absent in all subjects
Punjab Diploma Result 2021 Toppers List
The Punjab diploma board declared the results on the said date through the official website. After that it releases the toppers list as well. The toppers list containing the toppers of the state as well as district wise toppers will be presented in the list. The toppers list will be prepared by the board considering the factors like highest marks secured. As a whole the total marks will be considered by the exam body and a list will be prepared from it. The toppers list will usually be released at the time of PSBE&IT Diploma Result 2021 release only. The stream wise toppers will be listed in the paper.
Points to be Noted About Punjab Polytechnic Result 2021
These are some essential points that students need to be aware of before checking their results.
- Students will not get the hard copy of their result at the time of result download. They will get it later in time from their respective colleges.
- The toppers list released by the board post result announcement contains the course name, topper name, registration number, marks, and institute name.
- Students can get all the updates regarding result announcement in the official website in the first site.
- The re-checking and re-evaluation process starts after the result declaration and the application forms for it will be available online.
Punjab Polytechnic Revaluation / Rechecking Result 2021
The Punjab Polytechnic revaluation is going to happen post the result announcement. Students willing to get their answer scripts checked once again so that there is a clarity over the marks can apply for the revaluation process initiated by Punjab Polytechnic board. The process involves rechecking or re-evaluation of the answer sheets wherein scrutiny of the papers will be done to confirm the marks awarded. Students that doubt their marks can use this re-evaluation facility and apply for it by filling the application form. The re-evaluation result can be found in te official website only.
PSBTE Diploma Supplementary Results 2021
The supplementary exams are held by the PSBTE so that students clear the failed subjects without wasting an entire year. The board organises supply exams for the students under which students take part to pass in the failed subjects. In order to participate in the supply exams students need to fill in the application firm online and submit it along with application fee. Students can download their supply result in September.
PSBE&IT Diploma Result 2021 FAQs
If by chance if you have any queries and you have no one to ask then give these frequently asked questions a read. You will likely find answers to all your queries.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”When will PSBTE Release Diploma Even Semester Results?” answer-0=”The even semester results will be released in August this year.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What is the Official Website of PSBTE?” answer-1=”The official website of Punjab board is punjabteched.com.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Will the Board Release all the Stream Diploma Results at Once?” answer-2=”Yes, the board releases results of all the streams on the same date.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”What if I fail in any Subject in the Polytechnic Regular Exams?” answer-3=”You have the opportunity to clear it in the supplementary session.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]
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