MBSE holds the authority to regulate and control the educational system in the state of Mizoram. Other than being concerned about the quality of education provided by it, it also organizes exams for HSLC and HSSLC students on an annual note. Usually, the board conducts the exams in March and release the admit card for the same a month prior. Citing the same, the board has dispensed the Mizoram Board HSSLC Admit Card 2020. Eligible exam enrollers can go grab it from online now.
Mizoram Board HSSLC Admit Card 2020
Mizoram Board of School Education though conducts the exams for HSLC and HSSLC students, it will not clash them both. HSLC exams will be wrapped a bit earlier than HSSLC exams. This is to avoid the risks associated with handling major exams at a time. It has been more than two months since the HSSLC time table has been released and not it is time for the admit card release. The board kept it in mind and without letting any eyebrows raise, it silently released the admit cards through its portal. It is then notified for the information of all concerned Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination taking students. The MBOSE HSSLC Admit Card 2020 links were activated online separately for 11th and 12th class stream wise.

It is pretty mandatory for the students to have the admit card with them at the time of taking the MBSE HSSLC board exams. The invigilator in the exam room assigned to the student will thoroughly check the details present on the admit card before allowing him to sit for the exam. The admit card is not only available in the official website, but is also available in the schools. Students who want to get the admit card from their school can do that any time before the exams. There are chances that the admit card download will not be possible in the last minute through online, so if you want to get it from online, make sure to do it at least a week before the exams. Students need to note that they will not be entertained to sit in the exam without the admit card with them under any conditions.
How to Download MBOSE HSSLC Admit Card 2020
- Start by opening the official website of MBSE – mbse.edu.in.
- In the official website you can find Notifications.
- Click on the link of ‘MBSE Admit Card 2020’ there.
- You will then be directed to a new page that prompts you to enter your login details.
- Enter the details like registration number and password and hit on submit button.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- View the details present on the admit card then download the card.
- Take a printout of the admit card and keep it safe for exam use.
Details Mentioned on MBSE HSSLC Admit Card 2020
Students who are new to the details present on the admit card should read the information provided here. If the details printed on the admit card are in correct to your knowledge, immediately report it to the examination authority of your junior college, which will take care of it before the exams and will release a new one. The details present on the admit card include, Candidate’s name, Hall ticket number, Date of birth, passport size Photograph, Signature, Examination venue, Exam timings, Instructions etc.
This is the process to download the Mizoram Board HSSLC Admit Card 2020. Students who want to get more information about MBSE HSSLC exams 2020 can visit us often. Our website address is – KVPY.ORG.IN.