Council of Architecture(COA) has dispensed the syllabus of NATA 2020 online. Students can check and download the PDF files of the syllabus from the official website of NATA. NATA is a national level entrance exam taken by lakhs of Architecture aspirants every year. This year as well tons of applications have been accepted by the exam authority and students are in search for the NATA Syllabus 2020. Here we have presented it for you.
NATA Syllabus 2020
For the unknown the syllabus is nothing but the topics from which the questions will be triggered in the question paper. Here the NATA syllabus refers to the same. Students can find the important topics to be covered in the question paper of the entrance exam through the syllabus alone. Students are advised to download the syllabus and check the topics that are decided to be mentioned in the paper tin the upcoming exam. Students should be perfectly aware of the syllabus to put a start to their preparation. Otherwise students will be at risk and wouldn’t be able to make a move further with their preparation.

Candidates after checking with the syllabus can finalize on the strategy to study it. Candidates can also analyze the important topics by going through the previous year question papers. The order to study the important topics can also be known that way. So we suggest our readers that have applied for the NATA 2020 to download the NATA Syllabus soon and thereafter start the preparation for the exam. Candidates need not worry about the out of the syllabus questions in the paper. The authority makes certain not to go out of the syllabus under any circumstances.
Here we have presented before you the subject wise syllabus of NATA 2020. Students are requested to copy paste the syllabus from our website. Students can also take a printout of the syllabus for handy reference.
NATA Syllabus For Maths 2020
Mathematics is one of the three major subjects from which the questions will be asked in the NATA exam. The syllabus to be covered in this part is from the 11th and 12th classes. Students can prepare the intermediate mathematics for this exam.
NATA 2020 Syllabus For General Aptitude
The syllabus for general aptitude is also given here. General Aptitude is again a scoring subject in the exam. Students need to practice more of the aptitude to make it easy. The more you practice the more it will be easy for you to crack the exam.
NATA Syllabus 2020 for Drawing
Syllabus for NATA Exam for the subject Drawing is also given here. Students can give this subject a shot in order to make a good score in the exam. There is a great need to practice drawing thoroughly to score big in this subject.
Other than the syllabus candidates need to be aware of the exam pattern as well. After done with the syllabus make certain to go through the exam pattern.
There ends the article on NATA Syllabus 2020. Students can examine the syllabus and download it from our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.