Central Board of Secondary Education has set everything ready for the CBSE 12th board exams to be conducted this year. It has arranged all needy aspects that are required for the public examinations and has now come up with a notification for the students. The notification reads that the admit cards are ready to download and students can get them from online anytime before the exam dates. Students are therefore advised to download the CBSE 12th Admit Cards 2020 from the official web portal.
CBSE 12th Admit Card 2020
After the CBSE 12th Date Sheet is out, the board has released the Admit Card for the eligible students. According to the latest reports from the board, it has decided to take on the signatures of the parents on the admit cards. The board has decided to do this to avoid further issues with the parents regarding the accuses they make over the board. The board is likely to instruct all the schools affiliated to it about this matter. The board has already instructed the schools to check the registration forms of the students thrice so that there won’t be any errors on the admit card. All these measures are taken by the board keeping in mind the significance of the admit card in the board exams. The board has informed to the students that any errors in the admit card will not be rectified later. So, students need to be very careful while checking the details printed on the admit card.

The Examination Controller of CBSE, Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj also confirmed that the signature of the guardian will be taken on the CBSE 12th Admit Card and the error will not be corrected later. Students should be aware of all these things and then proceed for admit card download. The download process is listed here in this page for your ease. Students can check the process and download the admit card accordingly. Students while heading to the exam hall need to take their admit card with them. It is mandatory and students shouldn’t miss out on it.
How To Download CBSE Class 12 Admit Card
If you are not a internet person and want to get your admit card through offline mode, then directly go to your respective college and collect it from the administration. Follow the steps as directed here to download the admit card online.
- Visit the official website of CBSE – cbse.nic.in.
- In the website click on ‘Circulars’ tab in the menu.
- Then click on ‘Latest Circulars’ option.
- It will take you to a new page where you can see year wise circulars.
- Click on ‘Circulars – 2019’.
- It will again open a list of circulars.
- From them find the circular that reads ‘Opening of link for downloading admit card for examination 2020’.
- Click on it and it will take you to a new page.
- Enter the details like registration number and date of birth and submit.
- On submission your admit cards appears on the screen.
- Check the details present on it and take a printout of it for exam use.
Details Mentioned On Cbse 12th Admit Card 2020
The CBSE Class 12 Admit Card 2020 contains essential information related to the board exams such as name of the student, roll number, guardian name, photograph, name of the exam body, exam names, exam codes, exam timings, exam venue etc. Students will also find instructions on the card that they need to follow.
These are the important things that students need to know about CBSE 12th Admit Card 2020. For more detailed info regarding the CBSE 12th exams, bookmark our website KVPY.ORG.IN and do visit us frequently.