Curious about knowing the 12th exam results of the Goa board?? Then, you have landed at the place where you can get answers for all your queries on Goa Board HSSC Result 2020. GBSHSE is the examination authority which is going to issue the 12th exam result soon. The result date, procedure to check the HSSC exam scores online and by SMS and other details are available below. Examines who are eager to know such details can go through the below given information and stay updated.
Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
The official name of the board is called as GBSHSE in short. Formed in on 27th May 1975, the board has the main headquarters at Alto Betim of Goa state. The board came in to existence under “The Goa, Daman and Diu Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board Act, 1975”.
There are many duties or responsibilities that the authorities of the board should carry out. Some of them include, giving textbook, prescribing syllabus, conducting board examinations for 10th and 12th class students and publishing the result of the exams etc. Other than this, the board also gives affiliation to various government and private schools of the state and also withdraws the permission.
Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education | |
Abbreviation | GBSHSE |
Formation | 1975 |
Headquarters | Alto Betim, Goa |
Location | Alto Betim, Goa – 403521 |
Responsibilities | Organizes SSC and HSSC Exams Announces Result |
Website | |
Goa HSSC Result 2020
For the academic year 2019 to 20, GBSHSE has successfully conducted HSSC examinations. More than 15 thousand students are expected to have written the 12th exams from all the streams of the Goa state. This is the smallest board in which only thousands of students study the 10th and 12th class education. Goa Board 12th exams were organized in the month of March 2020. As it is the smallest examinations, the board will take only few days for the GBSHSE Result 2020 of 12th exams to be announced. Most probably around 30 days, the paper valuation will continue after which the result will be uploaded online.

Contenders of the HSSC or 12th examinations in the Goa state have to access their result in the online mode from the board website. For commerce, arts and science streams, the board will publish the result on the same date in the PDF format. If you want to know the tentative result date based on our assumptions of the past stats, you can go through the information available below. The vocational course 12 Goa Board Result 2020 will also be released along with the regular exam result. The procedure to access the HSSC regular and vocational course result are given below. Go through it and access your Goa 12th result. Students will also be able to get their results via SMS and the process is also given below.
Goa Board SSC Result 2020 | |
Name of Exam | GBSHSE 12th Exams 2020 |
Conducting Board | Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) |
Exam Dates | April 2020 |
Result Date | Last Week of May 2020 Tentatively |
Official Website to Check Result | |
Past Result Stats of Goa Board HSSC Exams
GBSHSE class 12 exam result stats are available below. By seeing the stats such as number of students writing the exams every year and the pass percentage obtained by them, it will be easy for you to estimate the Goa Board HSSC Result 2020. So, go through it and know the stats.
Year | Total No. of Appeared Students | Overall Passing Percentage | Boys Passing Percentage | Girls Passing Percentage |
2014 | 15,899 | 86.44 | 83 | 85 |
2015 | 16,689 | 89.36 | 87 | 88 |
2016 | 17,533 | 92.23 | 90 | 91 |
2017 | 17,000 | 95.62 | 92 | 93 |
2018 | 16,901 | 88.00 | 86 | 90 |
2019 | 16,952 | 89.59 | 86.91 | 91.97 |
From 2014 to 2020 i.e., till last year more than 15 thousand students of 12th class all the streams are appearing for the HSSC exams yearly. However, the count has increased to nearly 17 thousand students later. Even though less number of students are writing the 12th exams, the pass percentage was really good as it is above 85% every year. But, girls are scoring slightly more pass percentage every year than boys comparatively. Last year total pass percentage was 88 i.e., dropped by 7% compared to 2017 pass percentage which is the highest in last 5 years i.e. 95.62. Anyhow, this year we expect the stats could improve in Goa Board Result 2020 Class 12. So, students need not worry and wait for the result with patience. We will share updated details after the result are declared.
Goa Board 12th Result 2020 Date
Willing to know the GBSHSE GOV IN result 2020 date?? Then you must know the past five years of 12th result dates. By knowing them, you can easily calculate the HSSC result date for this academic year.
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2014 was published on 11th May 2014
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2015 was published on 10th May 2015
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2016 was published on 12th May 2016
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2017 was published on 27th April 2017
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2018 was published on 28th April 2018
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2019 was released on 28th April 2019
- Goa Board HSSC Result 2020 is expected to released on 4th week of April 2019
Here are the 12th result date stats of the Goa board from 2014 till last year. From 2014 to 16, the board has continuously published the result on 2nd Week of May. However, in 2017 and 18, GBSHSE HSSC result were available in the online on 27th and 28th April respectively. As this year the exams will over in March, students can expect this year also, the board will publish Goa 12th Result 2020 on last week of April 2020. However, this is not confirmed date as officials have to confirm it. For all the streams, the Goa board will come up with the result publishing date soon along with vocational exam result date. So, stay tuned for the updates.
How to Check Goa Board HSSC Result 2020 Online
Goa board has an official site which is previously gbshse gov in 2020. From the official portal, 12th examines can easily access their exam result. Just follow the below given instructions and check your Goa HSSC Result 2020 score in the online.
- Open the website
- Look for “Recent Announcements” section at the middle of main page.
- Under the section, search for “HSSC GBSHSE Result 2020” link and tap it.
- Now a PDF containing the numbers and stats of the Goa 12th result will open.
- Check whether your hall ticket number is present in the PDF, if yes then you are qualified in the exam.
- If you want to know the 12 Goa Board Result 2020 scores, you can ask your school or college authorities or wait till original marksheet is given by board.
- You can take print out of the Result PDF for further reference.
The board will give the Goa 12th Result original mark sheet after online result are published and this may take time.
Get Goa Board 12th Result 2020 by SMS
GBSHSE will make the HSSC or 12th result available through SMS also. Candidates need to send an SMS from their mobile to know whether they are qualified in the exam or not. Here we have given last year SMS formats along with the SMS numbers below for your reference. Check it for your reference. Follow the instructions and send the text message to know your HSSC Result of Goa for this academic year.
SMS: GOA12SEAT NUMBER – Send it to 56263
SMS: GOA12SEAT NUMBER – Send it to 5676750
SMS: GOA12SEAT NUMBER – Send it to 58888
SMS: GB12SEAT NUMBER – Send it to 54242
Type GOA12<space>Seat Number or GB12<space> Seat Number and send to the respective number to get your HSSC result of Goa. Hope, this is the quickest process to access your 12th result.
Goa Board HSSC Topper 2020 – Check Full Toppers List
After getting the Goa Board HSSC Result 2020, you can immediately know the Goa board HSSC toppers list details here. The stream wise HSSC topper, overall exam toppers names along with their scores or percentage will be available. GBSHSE authorities will also reveal the toppers information after officially declaring the result to news & media. Check this section after the regular exam result are declared to see the merit students list here.
Goa Board HSSC Revaluation Result 2020 / Rechecking Result
Yes, as other state education boards of India, GBSHSE will also give a chance to the HSSC examines to apply for revaluation if their score is not good or if they have not got pass mark in the exam. The online applications for this will be available after Goa Board 12th Result 2020 is released. Register for the rechecking online and wait till the result is declared. After the revaluation completes, most probably in few days the Goa Board HSSC Rechecking Result 2020 will be published in the online official website. Students can access the result in the same way they access their regular exam result.
Goa Board HSSC Supplementary Result 2020
Candidates who have not passed the HSSC exams in the first attempt will get a chance to clear their subjects in the second attempt i.e., through supplementary examinations. Generally, the Goa board conducts the supply exams in June and publishes the result in the same month. This year also the same happens. However, if you want to know this year supply exam and result details you have wait until Goa Board Result 2020 HSSC is out. You will get complete information such as supply exam dates, supply exam fee and other relevant information in the online itself. Do wait for those updates.
This is all about Goa Board HSSC Result 2020 for now. Keep visiting KVPY.ORG.IN for any further updates that we share here.