Students of Goa Board studying hssc education can speed up their preparation a bit as the exams are getting nearer. Goa board is busy getting the things ready for the board exams to be held in different exam centers across the state. The board has issued the time table for the hssc exams in the past and now as the exams are just a month away, it released the hall tickets. The board has officially released the Goa Board HSSC Hall Ticket 2020 through its official website. Students are advised to visit the official website and get their hall ticket downloaded before the exam date. The admit cards will not be hosted after the exams start.
Goa Board HSSC Hall Ticket 2020
GBSHSE every year organizes 10th and 12th board exams for the students studying under it in jumbling system. Students apply for the exams as soon as the board releases the notification seeking applications from them. On successful registration, the board releases the admit cards to the eligible students asking them to take the exam on the finalized dates. This year also, the same procedure has been followed by the board and lakhs of students enrolled themselves for the hssc exams 2020. They are currently waiting for the GBSHSE HSSC admit card release, which has been released by the Goa board. Students can check the details present on the admit card and keep it safe with them until all the exams wrap up. Students cannot take a single exam without the admit card in hand.

Goa board is a state level educational board that is located in the state of Goa. It manages the website to connect with the students and announces all the latest updates through it only. Students should visit the website often and check the updates for their own good. The admit cards were released by the board as expected in February, exactly a month before the board exams. This is to alert the students to start their preparation at least now without delay.
How to Download GBSHSE HSSC Admit Card
The process to download 12th Goa Board Exam Hall Ticket 2020 is pretty simple. Students can collect their admit cards from their schools if they would like it that way, but for those who wish to download it from online, here are the steps for you.
- Visit the official website of GBSHSE first –
- In the homepage of the website you can see Recent Announcements session.
- Click on it and you will find different links.
- Check the link that says ‘GBSHSE HSSC admit card 2020’ and click on it.
- It will immediately revert to a new page that asks you to enter your details like registration number and password.
- Enter the details as directed and submit.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- Check the details present on the card and take a printout of it for exam use.
Students should always carry the original copy of the admit card with them. Xerox copies are not entertained by the board under any circumstances. HSSC Admit Card number is required to check Goa board HSSC Result 2020.
Details Mentioned on 12th Goa Board
The details present on the admit card usually include the name of the board, name of the examination, name of the student, guardian’s name, photograph of the candidate, roll number, exam code, exam timing, exam venue, instructions etc. Students should must and should go through all the instructions laid down by the board without fail and follow them as it is.
Hope you find the information we gathered about Goa Board HSSC Hall Ticket 2020 useful. Make sure to visit our website – KVPY.ORG.IN frequently for more such articles.