KVPY has organized the scholarship exam for the year 2020 on 31st January 2021. The exam was held very prestigiously in various exam centers across the country for which lakhs of candidates appeared. Earlier, many interested candidates submitted their application forms through the official website of KVPY to participate in the aptitude test. Contenders who took the exam are now curiously waiting for the result release. We are here to tell you that your search ends here as the KVPY Result 2020 has been released by IISc through the official website. Candidates can rush up to the official website of KVPY – kvpy.issc.ernet.in to check their result right away. The result download process along with cutoff marks and OMR sheet reevaluation are briefly addressed in this article for you. Go check them out!
About KVPY Exam 2020
KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) is a scholarship exam organized by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The exam is conducted to the under graduate students studying 10th, 12th and first year of under graduation and willing to make a career in science and research. This popular scholarship programme is sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The main purpose of giving the scholarships to the students is to encourage them towards pursuing basic science and research courses.

KVPY every year bestows the merit pass outs of this exam with a monthly scholarship of Rs. 5,000. Many students willing to be a part of country’s research and development team take part in this exam to prove their talent. The exam will be conducted for various streams like SA, SB and SX based on the KVPY Syllabus and KVPY Exam Pattern issued. This year as well many candidates appeared for the exam and gave their best to try their luck and are waiting for KVPY 2020 Result.
KVPY Result 2020 / Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana Result
As said earlier, the KVPY exam was held in the last week of January, 2021 at various Aptitude Test Centres. Now that it has been almost a month close to the exam completion, all the contenders who took the exam are searching for their results release date. IISc will announce the kishore vaigyanik protsahan yojana result in the official website of IISc for download. The result is made available in separate links for the streams like SA and SB/SX. Aspirants are advised to visit the official website and click on the links accordingly to download their respective stream result. The result contains the section wise marks the way the paper was divided into along with overall marks.
KVPY Result 2020 Date
The KVPY Result 2020 Date of aptitude exam will be declared in the February 2021, exactly 45 days after the exam. It was earlier expected by us and we also listed it in one of our articles. As the KVPY result has been out, all the students must be feeling pretty settled now. The marks secured in the online based written exam plays a key role in shortlisting. Candidates will be shortlisted based on their merit shown in the aptitude test to appear for the interview further. Now that the result has been announced, shortly the exam authority will announce the merit list containing the names of the candidates who have made it in the written exam and need to appear for the interview. Students should keep a check of the official website for the upcoming announcement. As soon as the announcement is out, candidates can download the list and check it for their name. If the name is there in the list, it means you are qualified in the exam and are eligible to appear for the interview. The interview will be held at the end of January 2020. Check out the list of KVPY Interview Centres at our website.
KVPY Cut Off 2020
Candidates need to qualify in both aptitude test as well as the interview to secure the fellowship bestowed by KVPY. The KVPY cut off marks are listed here in this page for you. The cutoff marks vary from stream to stream and category to category. The backward communities have higher chances of securing the fellowship offered by KVPY as they have fewer targets of cutoff marks. As the result has been announced, you can now check the cutoff marks to confirm if you have qualified in this round of exam or not. If you have qualified in comparison with the cutoff marks we have listed below, you will be promoted to the interview round. As there is still time left for the interview, candidates are advised to prepare well in the sense of practicality. The final result of the interview round will be announced in the second week of April 2020.
The cutoff marks are available in two variants – aptitude test cut-off and final cut-off. Check the tables below:
How To Check KVPY Result 2020
Here we have listed out some steps that will guide you on how to check KVPY result 2020. You are just a few steps away from your result download with the below process.
- Visit the official website of KVPY.
- In the homepage of the website, you will see Results tab on the top right corner.
- Click on the tab and you will see the list of results in a new page.
- From that, find the link that says ‘click here to check your marks (will open in new tab/window) under KVPY 2020 – Results of Aptitude test and interview.
- Click on the link and it will open a new window.
- In the new window enter your application number and date of birth (dd-mm-yyy) format.
- After inputting the details, click on ‘Continue’.
- The result appears on your computer screen.
- Check your marks and download the page.
- Take a printout of your result for future use.
KVPY OMR Answer Sheet Re-evaluation
Candidates who feel that there is something wrong with their marks and want to reevaluate them can use the OMR sheet re-evaluation process. For the reevaluation of the answer sheet (offline written exam) the student has to pay a fee of Rs. 1000/- in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, IISc, Bangalore-12 payable at Bangalore with a covering letter indicating the stream, application/seat number on or before the last date as directed by the exam body. After the last date, the authority will not entertain any more reevaluation requests from the exam takers. Candidates can send the demand draft and covering letter to the following.
The Convener
Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore – 560012
Candidates need to note that candidates who have taken the exam in online mode cannot request for reevaluation as the score generated by computer cannot be changed.
The interview will be conducted in different places as decided by the exam authority. Candidates will be intimated about the interview date, time and venue once finalized. Candidates need to note that the interview is conducted so as to find out the candidature in person. The questions will be mainly on science and research and so students need to prepare well on those areas very well. Also, candidates need to prepare on self introduction uniquely.
This is all about the KVPY Result 2020 that you should know. Drop in your queries on the result below in the comments section. We will be happy to answer them through our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.