Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore is inviting applications from the eligible and interested contenders to apply for the KVPY exam for the year 2020. KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) is a fellowship exam conducted in national level for the students from primary to Pre-Ph.D level. IISc has recently come up with the notification for the registration of the eligible candidates through its official web portal. Candidates willing to pursue a career in science and research can make use of this golden opportunity thrown by KVPY and take the exam to receive the fellowship. KVPY offers stipend up to 5,000 for the students every month. Contenders willing to enjoy the benefits of the fellowship while studying their dream course can apply for the KVPY exam before the last date. The KVPY registration 2020 has been started from September and will end on October 2020.
KVPY Registration 2020
The KVPY exam is scheduled for 31st January, 2021 as per the KVPY Exam Date released. Candidates who haven’t gone through the notification released by IISc yet are advised to do so quickly. If you want to know the KVPY Registration process and other particulars about the KVPY exam in detail you are in the right place.

We have covered almost everything you would search for regarding KVPY exam and its registration. Before getting started with the registration process for KVPY exam 2020, candidates need to go through the general instructions that are a must to read before filling the application form. We have listed some of the instructions you need to follow while filling the KVPY form.
- Candidates need to fill all the details carefully without any mistakes.
- Candidates need to give their valid mobile number and email address while registering for the exam. They need to make sure that both are active after the exam as the exam body might send important information to those handles.
- On successful registration, candidates need to login with their user ID and password.
- Before submitting the application form, candidates need to go through the details inputted for any corrections. No changes will be entertained after the form is submitted.
- The KVPY 2020 registration follows the process of Registration/login, personal details, academic details, uploading of photograph, signature and other required documents, payment of fee and final submission.
- While applying, candidates need to have the scanned copies of their passport size photograph and also their signature with them.
- Candidates should apply for this exam only if they have the eligibility as suggested by the institute.
KVPY Important Dates
Candidates need to know the dates of the KVPY exam as they are petty important. The dates are listed below:
- The online application forms will be accepted starting from: 6th September 2020
- The last date to submit the online application forms is: 5th October 2020
- The KVPY admit card will be released on: 2nd Week of January 2021
- The KVPY 2020 Exam will be held on: 31st January 2021
- The result for KVPY exam will be released around: February 2020
- The interview for the shortlisted candidates will be held from: February 2021 @ Interview centres announced officially.
KVPY Application Fee
Candidates before submitting the application forms need to pay the application fee through online mode. The KVPY Application Fee varies from category to category. Read on to find out the application fee details.
- The application fee for OBC/General Category candidates is Rs. 1000
- The application fee for ST/SC/PWD category candidates is Rs. 500 along with some extra bank charges.
- Candidates should pay the can application fee through online mode via Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking).
How to Apply for KVPY 2021
In order to successfully submit the KVPY Application Form, you have to follow the below three steps. The below four steps will explain how to register and fill the application form aptly.
Step 1: Registration
- Visit the official website of KVPY –
- In the homepage of the website, on the right side top corner, you can find a link ‘Application 2020’.
- Under it, you can see ‘Registration and Application login click here’.
- Click on the link and you will be directed to the general instructions page of KVPY aptitude test 2020.
- Read all the instructions carefully and scroll down to see ‘Click here for registration and application login’.
- It will redirect to candidates login page.
- If you have already registered, then simply login with your user id and password.
- If you are new to registration, scroll down and click on ‘click here for registration’.
- Now you will see instruction page containing some instructions. Click on close to get redirected to the registration page.
- You will see the ‘Registration From’. Fill your details in the form like name of the candidate, date of birth, presently studying in class, your stream is, mobile number, confirm mobile number, email id, confirm email id, nationality.
- You can read the note that says ‘I understand that on completion of registration process, I will receive a valid User id and password to my registered Email ID and Mobile number for completing my application process.
- Type the text shown in the image without spaces and special characters.
- Tick the ‘I Agree’ box and hit on ‘Register’.
- On clicking on ‘Register’, you will see a dialogue box saying ‘Please note that no changes can be made to the details in registration form once you proceed to the application page. Click Ok to proceed or click cancel to edit your form.
- This completes your registration for KVPY exam.
Step 2: Application form filling
- On successful registration, you will receive user ID and password to your registered mobile number and email ID. Check them and login with the details.
- On logging in, you will see a note that reads ‘kindly click on Go To Application button at corner to complete and submit the form’.
- Click on the ‘Go To Application’ button and fill in the details such as personal, academic details along with test center details.
- Upload scanned photograph and signature along with caste/disability certificate.
- After that recheck the application form for any mistakes by clicking on ‘Preview Application’.
- If you find everything entered in the application form appropriate, click on ‘Submit’ button.
Candidates should note that the photograph size should be less than 150 KB and signature size should be less than 80 KB and caste certificate size should be 300 KB. The format of the pictures should be JPG/JPEG/PDF.
Step 3: Application Fee
- In order to pay the application fee, candidates need to re-login to the website by entering their User ID and password.
- Select the payment mode.
- Choose the option through which you want to pay the fee either online through credit/debit/net banking or offline mode i.e., through challan.
- On paying the fee, click on ‘Submit’.
- On submission, candidate will receive a message on top of the application form as ‘Your Application is under Scrutiny’.
Candidates need to note that the application scrutiny will take at least two working days time after submission of the application form. So, students need to come back again after two days to know their application status.
Step 4: Check the application status
- In order to check the status of the application form, candidates need to login with the user ID and password.
- After logging in, candidate can see the message ‘your application is successfully submitted’ on top of the page.
- If you see that message, take a printout of the application form for future use.
This completes KVPY Registration 2020 successfully. Now its time to checkout the KVPY Syllabus 2020 to start exam preparation. If you have any queries related to KVPY registration process, feel free to share them on our website – KVPY.ORG.IN below.
what if application is not submitted successfully?? Can we apply again?
Good information
I want to take admission in kvpy