Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has dispensed the online and offline application forms of AEEE 2020 on September 19, 2019. The contenders willing to take part in the entrance exam to secure admissions into Engineering specializations can fill the AEEE Application Form 2020 and submit it online or offline depending on their convenience. Candidates need to submit the application forms before the deadline no matter what. Here we covered everything about the AEEE Application process. Read on!
AEEE Application Form 2020
Candidates applying for the entrance examination conducted by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham should be aware of all the details that they are going to input into the application form. The application form can be filled and submitted either through the official website or through a post. The entrance exam is conducted every year on a grand note and lakhs of aspirants take part in it. This year the application process has already been started and many applications have already been submitted by the eligible candidates. In order to apply candidates must first check with the eligibility criteria and apply only if they have all the requirements. Otherwise the application forms though submitted shall be rejected by the authority. Fill the application as said below and start your preparation with AEEE Syllabus 2020.

Other than the merit secured in the AEEE, the admissions into the university will be provided based on the JEE Main score. So JEE Mains qualified candidates are also eligible to apply for the exam. As most of the candidates are not aware of the exact process to fill the application process we are here with the detailed process of applying. Candidates are requested to check the steps wise application process mentioned in this page for clarity. Before proceeding with the form filling make sure that you satisfy all the criteria set by the authority. If you do then check out the form filling process here.
AEEE Application Form Important Dates
Applicants must and should know the dates of different events related to the AEEE. Once the dates are known, it will be easy for the candidates to submit the application forms in time. We have listed the important dates and the events that will take place here. Have a look!
AEEE Application Form Important Dates 2020 | |
Events | Dates |
AEEE registration start date | September 19th 2019 |
Application registration close date | April 6th 2020 |
Issue of Admit card | April 2nd week 2020* |
AEEE exam dates 2020 | April 23rd 2020 to April 27th 2020 |
Dates marked with * are Tentative Dates. |
Candidates must have an idea about these dates for their own good. Especially the last dates are pretty important. If students neglect the dates, they will end up missing out on the chance to submit the AEEE Application Form. So, as soon as you see the dates, take a note of them somewhere or else take a printout of them and apply for the exam as per the dates. Once you are done with the eligibility criteria and the important dates, the next thing to do is start the form filling. We will give you the most easiest process to fill the AEEE Application Form 2020. Read on!
Candidates need to fill in the below details in the application form while submitting.
Step 1: Online Registration
Candidates need to first register themselves by visiting the official website – as a part of application process.
In order to register candidates need to provide the email ID and valid mobile number and submit. On registration login ID and password will be sent to the registered email ID.
Step 2: Fill Online AEEE 2020 Application Form
On successful registration candidates need to input their details in this step. The details mainly include their personal, academic and contact information. Candidates must make sure that all the information they are entering in the application form is correct to their knowledge. In short, the information provided should be in sync with the information present in the documents. The details to be filled are as follows:
- Name of the candidates
- Category
- Gender
- Date of birth
- State/ Union Territory/ Foreign Country from where the candidate have completed Class XII Nationality
- Mobile phone number
- Full name and complete postal address of the candidate
- Passport sized photograph
- Signature of the candidate
- Name of parent/ guardian
- Academic details
- Mode of entrance exam opted
- Choice of exam city
- Signature of the candidate with name
- Signature of the parent/ guardian with name
After filling all the details appropriately click on the ‘Submit’ button. Candidates can also edit the form immediately for any changes they want to make. Also candidates are required to confirm the details entered by them by clicking on‘I Confirm’ button. This is done because incorrect information entered by the candidates will lead to the cancellation of the application.
Step 3 – Upload Photograph and Signature
In this step candidates need to upload the scanned copies of the photograph and signature. Candidates need to make certain that the scanned copies are not blur. The images should be uploaded with the given specifications.
Candidates need to upload a recent coloured photograph with 3.5 cm (W) x 4.5 cm (H) dimensions and JPG or JPEG file format. The file size should be 5 KB to 20 KB.
Coming to the signature, it should be done with a black pen. The dimensions should be 1.5 cm (H) x 3.5 (W). The file size should be 5 KB to 20 KB and should be in JPG or JPEG Format.
After uploading the scanned documents the next step is fee payment. Click on ‘Proceed for Payment’ option.
Step 4: Payment of the Application Fee
- Applicants need to pay the fee of INR 1000 for the admission through AEEE 2020.
- Applicants need to pay INR 300 that are based on the rank scored in JEE Main 2020.
- Applicants need to pay INR 1000 if they want admission through both AEEE and JEE Rank.
Applicants applying through online can pay the fee through internet banking, credit card, debit card, etc.
Offline application fee needs to be submitted through Demand Draft. The DD should be in favour of ‘Amrita School of Engineering’, payable at Coimbatore. Offline application submitting candidates need to enter DD details in the online portal and send University copy of the DD to the below mentioned address.
The Admissions Co-ordinator
Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
(P.O) Amritanagar, Ettimadai, Coimbatore 641 112, Tamil Nadu.
Phone: 0422 – 2685169/170.
Step 5: Submission of Application Form
After being done with all the above steps candidates need to preview the AEEE Application and then submit it. Candidates are required to take a printout of the form and also the DD for future use.
Candidates who choose to submit the application form offline can get the form from the branches of Dhanlaxmi Bank, Federal Bank and few selected Post Offices. Fill it appropriately and post it to the aforementioned address. The form corrections and such will not be entertained by the authority. Candidates should check the form twice before submitting to avoid any mistakes.
So this is how you need to fill AEEE Application Form 2020. Hope you are satisfied with the details we have covered in this article. If so, show your support by bookmarking our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.