KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) is in full readiness to conduct the merit exam for the students willing to join science and research. It will provide seats to the students in streams like SA, SB and SX. The exam is scheduled to be held on January 2021. It is expected that lakhs of students take part in this exam to get the benefits of scholarships offered by KVPY. Every year KVPY organizes the exam and provides the qualified students with a monthly stipend according to its rules. The exam body is currently busy with arranging the exam centers to conduct the exam and has released the KVPY question papers and sample papers for the students to keep them busy as well. Students who haven’t started their preparation yet are advised to hurry up and download the previous year question papers from the official website and start their preparation instantly. They will help to get good score in the KVPY Result 2020.
KVPY Previous Year Question Papers
KVPY Previous Year Question Papers are very easy to download from the official website. Students can find them all in – www.kvpy.iisc.ernet.in. Students who are eligible for KVPY exam and applied are informed to download the previous year question papers and start practicing them as much as possible from this very minute. KVPY conducts aptitude test for the students followed by an interview round. It takes into consideration the scores in both the aptitude test and interview. So, students need to make sure to give their best in the aptitude test by practicing previous year papers. Students need to take the exam on various subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.

By solving the KVPY Previous Year Papers students will be benefited greatly in terms of preparation. By solving the sample papers from previous years, students can cover almost all the questions that will likely be present in the question paper of KVPY exam. This way, students can make a guess of the types of questions that are being asked in the question paper usually. Students can also get an idea about the syllabus of the KVPY exam 2020 through the previous year papers. However, students need to check with the updated exam pattern of KVPY aptitude test. We have uploaded an article on KVPY exam pattern. Please go through it to know the exam pattern in detail. Below we have discussed about the kvpy sample papers that would aid you in making an effective preparation.
KVPY Previous Year Question Papers for SX
For the stream SX students, the previous year papers for up to class 12 were uploaded in this page for you. Students can go through the KVPY sample papers for SX stream PDF if they have applied to appear for the SX stream exam.
KVPY Previous Year Question Papers for SA
For SA stream, students should check out the KVPY sample papers for SA stream PDF that were given here in this page. We have uploaded the links for the PDF files of SA stream question papers of up to class 11.
KVPY Previous Year Question Papers for SB
Applicants who are going to sit for SB stream exam of KVPY can check out the KVPY sample papers for SB stream PDF here. Students can find the question papers up to class 12 in for this SB stream.
The KVPY question papers are uploaded in our website – KVPY.ORG.IN for your easy reference. Please check them!