Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore is all set to conduct Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana also called as KVPY exam in the month of January this 2021. It has also released the official advertisement seeking applications from the interested and eligible candidates from across the country. Indian nationals satisfying the eligibility criteria set by KVPY can apply for the competitive exam to secure the scholarship offered by it. The exam is conducted to the students who are willing to join science and research department. The exam authority offers fellowship to the qualified candidates of KVPY conducted Aptitude test followed by interview. Candidates who have applied to take part in the KVPY aptitude test this year should immediately download the KVPY Syllabus 2020 from the official website of KVPY – Also download the KVPY Admit Card to appear for the exam.
KVPY Syllabus 2020
For the uninitiated, KVPY is a scholarship exam conducted every year to the students pursuing under graduation degree. It offers monthly scholarships to the selected students and also conducts summer camps for them. In this article, we are going to talk about the KVPY syllabus. Applicants who have already applied for the KVPY exam are advised to download the KVPY syllabus and KVPY Exam Pattern from online. Students can also get a sneak peek into the syllabus of KVPY aptitude exam from our page. We have also covered entire syllabus of KVPY online based computer exam.

Candidates before starting their preparation should refer to the syllabus to know the topics that are going to be covered in the KVPY question paper. The exam body itself prescribed the syllabus for all the three existing streams – SA, SB and SX. Students should download the respective stream wise KVPY Exam Syllabus from the official web portal and can also check the same from our page here. The aptitude test is slated to be held on 31st January 2021. Though there is enough time left for the exam, students should heed in mind that it is highly competitive exam and is difficult to crack. So, students need to start their preparation by first downloading the stream wise syllabus.
The syllabus consists of four Subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology. The streams here refer to the classes of the students i.e., 10th/11th/12th/1st year of B.Sc/BS/B.Stat./B.Math./Int.M.Sc/MS etc. In this article we have also covered KVPY syllabus for class 11.
KVPY Syllabus For SA
The KVPY SA syllabus for stream SA consists of all the topics and chapters from Class X and XI. The four major subjects that are covered in SA stream include Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.
- Physics: Applications in Daily Life, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Physical World and Measurement, Gravitation, Thermodynamics, Magnetic Effects of Current, Sources of Energy, Reflection, Refraction, Electromagnetic Induction.
- Chemistry: Thermodynamics, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Reactions, Metals and Nonmetals, Periodic Classification of Elements, Carbon Compounds, Acids, Bases and Salts, Basic Concepts of Chemistry.
- Mathematics: Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Real Numbers, Polynomials, Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Statistics, Quadratic Equations, Probability, Surface Areas, and Volumes.
- Biology: Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Cell: Structure and Function, Human Physiology, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Heredity and Evolution, Reproduction, Life Processes, Our Environment.
KVPY Syllabus For SX
The KVPY SX syllabus covers the topics and chapters form classes Class X, XI & XII. Again the same four subjects are covered in the syllabus – Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. It is just that the KVPY Syllabus for Class 12 is added for SX stream.
- Physics: Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Refraction, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Magnetic Effects of Current, Reflection of Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Sources of Energy, Physical World and Measurement, Gravitation, Laws of Motion.
- Chemistry: Chemical Reactions, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Periodic Classification of Elements, Surface Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Metals and Nonmetals, Carbon Compounds, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
- Biology: Human Physiology, Biology and Human Welfare, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Ecology and Environment, Cell: Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Life Processes, Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Reproduction.
- Mathematics: Trigonometric Functions, Geometry, Linear Programming, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Relations and Functions, Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Real Number, Polynomials, Introduction to Trigonometry, Surface Areas and Volumes, Statistics and Quadratic Equations, Probability, Statistics, and Probability.
KVPY Syllabus For SB
In this KVPY SB Syllabus, along with class 10th and 12th syllabus, 1st year of under graduation syllabus is also covered for the same said subjects.
- Physics: Thermodynamics, Reflection, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, Waves and Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electrostatics and Thermal Physics, Electromagnetic Induction, Physical World and Measurement, Sources of Energy, Refraction and its Applications in Daily Life, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Magnetic Effects of Current, Work, Energy and Power, Gravitation.
- Chemistry: Metals and Nonmetals, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Chemistry of Noble Gases, Structure and Bonding, Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes, Thermodynamics, Chemical Reactions, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Periodic Classification of Elements, Carbon Compounds, Acids, Bases and Salts, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
- Biology: Plant Physiology, Reproduction, Diversity of Living Organisms, Cell: Structure and Function, Biology and Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Genetics, Life Processes, Human Physiology, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Genetics and Evolution, Our Environment, Ecology and Environment.
- Mathematics: Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, Trigonometric Functions, Linear Programming, Relations and Functions, Analytical Geometry in Two Dimensions, Vector Algebra, Evaluation of Integrals, Statistics, Surface Areas and Volumes, Vectors and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Real Number, Polynomials, Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Quadratic Equations, Probability.
If you have any queries regarding KVPY Syllabus 2020, simply leave your query in the comments section below. Bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN for updated information.
Do all the four subjects are compulsory? Or Biology is optional ?
Biology is also compulsory. It is not optional.
bio is compulsory if you’re wishing to give kvpy in 11th std. and the advantage in giving kvpy exams in class 11 is somewhat like 30 to 40 percent of whole kvpy portions are just class 10 cbse portions and remaining include class 11 portions , but if you do not would wish to give kvpy with bio , then you can give it in 12th std , but you’ll be having more portions of class 11 and 12 included in that year , but youll have only phy , chem and mat to attend. so decide yourself which suites you…
If you belong to SX then they are not compulsory, you can choose any 3 for part 1 and any 2 for part 2, but for SA it is compulsory,
All subjects are compuslsory.
I am in 11th and I have chosen pcm .so how can I clear bio section in kvpy exam
try to complete bio topics that is the portions mentioned above just by spending an hour a day and in weekends(both sat and sun or only one day which you prefer , but if you take both sun and sat it would be great in my point of view) take 2 hours for bio. use the first hour to study bio as usual and in the next one hour revise all the topics covered in the weekdays. this method might help you to cover bio portions more or less in 3 months . it’s gonna be quite easy for you because some topics are so easy as we have already studied them in class 10. approximately you will be having more than a hundred hours in the period of 3 months to cover bio portions according to the above mentioned strategy, so do you think its so difficult for you to study??nah!!. All the best bro,keep going!!
I am a PCM student. So how do study 11th bio portion when I don`t have the textbook? Do you prefer any books for KVPY ??
i suggest you to buy elementry biology by kn bhatia and mp tyagi
truemen publishers this is the best book you ever seen
I having same question pls suggest me and best book for these
is the syllabus same every year
i have the same question
ഞാൻ പതിനൊന്നാം സ്ഥാനത്താണ്, ഞാൻ പി സി എം തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തു. Appo ഈ പരിക്ഷ എങ്ങനെ ക്ലിയർ ചെയ്യാം
I am in Bsc first year and my subjects are Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Hindi and Environmental studies. Do I need to study Maths and Physics also for KVPY? Can I take this exam?
You have the option to attend only 3 sections out of physics, maths, chemistry and biology in part 1 and 2 sections in part 3.
So you can prepare accordingly.
hope this helped
thank you:)
IAM in 10th standard what certificate s required to apply
I’m of class 11 I hv PCB.. Can I apply for Kvpy?
If parents are in government job will the students are eligible for scholarship
I am 12 student PCM. Kya mujhe
Bio ka paper Dena hoga kya.
Rbse ka kaunsa syllabus padhna hoga 11 ya 12.
Bio is compulsory study bio its very easy I am PCM student i am also studying a bit of mathematics, though I am unable to understand anything LOL..
who are eligibe for kvpy sb examination