Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology has geared up to disclose the KIITEE Admit Card 2020 in April. All the aspiring candidates who are seeking to take up the entrance exam must download the admit card online. To get the admit card, the aspirants must visit the official website of the university. Using the crucial details, the candidates can easily download the KIITEE Admit card. Get to know more details about the admit card availability, downloading process and more here. Take a look!
KIITEE Admit Card 2020
An admit card is an important document for every examinee. Without an admit card, no candidate will be able to take up the entrance exam. Kalinga University allows the candidates to book their exam slots before the admit card issuance. For the slot booking process, the candidates must visit the official website of KIIT. After that, the university will issue the KIITEE 2020 admit card to the applicants. The candidates who finished the registration process are only eligible to download the admit card. The candidates must download the admit card and carry it to the exam hall. All the aspirants must ensure that they produce the original document to the concerned authorities.

The candidates can download the admit card using the application number and date of birth. The application number will be given to the candidate at the time of the KIITEE 2020 registration process. Once the registration is done, the contenders must make a note of the application number. Using that number and date of birth, the contenders can go online and download it. The aspirants can find vital details on the admit card. Some of them include their name, gender, exam date and time, venue and instructions. The candidates won’t be allowed to take up the exam without an admit card. If you fail to carry the document, the officials won’t let you take up the entrance exam.
KIITEE Admit Card Important Dates
In recent times, Kalinga University has announced the KIITEE admit card 2020 date. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak across the nation, the University has postponed the slot booking process. Eventually, the release date of KIITEE admit card 2020 will be deferred. Earlier, the officials have decided to release the admit card in the last week of March or probably in April 1st week. But now, the schedule has been changed. The authorities have planned to revise the schedule for slot booking and admit card release. Currently, the University has scheduled to release the admit card after 7th April 2020.
The officials will issue the KIITEE admit card only in online mode. The ambitious examinees can download the same from the official website – kiitee.kiit.ac.in. We will soon update the exact date for the candidates regarding the release date of KIITEE admit card 2020. This helps the contenders to download the KIITEE admit card 2020 download without any difficulty. Hence, we advise all our readers to bookmark our website to receive the latest updates about the admit card availability. The candidates must secure the admit card till the completion of the KIITEE 2020 admission process.
How to Download KIITEE 2020 Admit Card?
Follow the instructions given below that helps the candidates to download KIITEE 2020 admit card from the official website.
- At first, go to the official website of KIIT from your PC.
- On the home page of the website, you can find the link ‘KIITEE Admit Card 2020.’
- Soon after tapping the link, you will be redirected to a new web page.
- On that page, you must enter the registration number and date of birth in provided spaces.
- Select the date of birth in a stipulated format i.e., dd/mm/yyyy.
- Just tap the continue button and wait for few seconds.
- The KIITEE admit card will then display on the screen.
- Take a print out or download the admit card for taking up the exam.
Details Mentioned on KIITEE Admit Card 2020
Check the list of details that are included on the KIITEE 2020 admit card.
- Candidate’s Name
- Examination Date and time
- Exam Venue
- Address of the venue
- Examinee’s Photo
- Candidate’s Signature
- Instructions to the candidates
Documents Need to Carry with KIITEE Admit Card
On the day of the entrance exam, the candidates must carry some other crucial documents like an ID proof. The aspirants are prompted to carry the originals of their ID proofs to the exam hall. Check the list given below:
- Voter ID Card
- Aadhaar Card
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Driving License
- Photo ID of the examinee issued by an employer or an organization
KIITEE Exam Day Instructions for Students
The candidates need to follow some crucial instructions on the day of the KIITEE examination 2020. Check the instructions furnished below:
- All the examinees must and should carry a valid KIITEE admit card 2020 to the exam venue.
- Ensure that every candidate carries a hard copy of the admit card for verification purposes.
- The candidates need to report at the allotted exam venue 45 minutes before the commencement of the exam.
- At each exam venue, there will be a registration desk. At the desk, the examinees need to wait for getting their admit card verified.
- The examinees aren’t allowed to carry electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, calculators, pagers and more.
- The candidates are only permitted to carry a pen and pencil, hall ticket and the original ID proof.
- If any candidate misses the examination may not have a chance to take up with the same admit card.
Try to follow the aforementioned guidelines to ensure you take up the exam without any issues.
KIITEE 2020 Admit Card FAQs
Most of the candidates will have numerous queries and doubts regarding KIITEE admit card 2020. To clear all your doubts, we included the list of frequently asked questions and answers below. Check it out!
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”How can I Download my KIITEE Admit Card?” answer-0=”To download the admit card, the candidates need to go to the official website of KIIT. Using the registration number and date of birth, the candidates can download the KIITEE Admit Card 2020.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What Details are Required to Download KIITEE Admit Card 2020?” answer-1=”The candidates must ensure that they have secured the registration number at the time of application submission. That particular registration number and the candidate’s date of birth are required to download the admit card online.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Can I get KIITEE Admit Card if I Missed Slot Booking?” answer-2=”If you have missed the slot booking process, you need to log into the portal using your vital details. Enter the application number and date of birth on the login page. Mostly, KIIT will book an exam slot for the candidates after the successful registration process. The candidates can download the KIITEE admit card online easily. They can further take up the exam as per the booked slots.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”What to Do If I Forget My KIITEE Application Number?” answer-3=”If you have forgotten your application number, you don’t need to worry much. Just go to the website of KIIT. Using the option, ‘generate application number’, you can get the required number. For that, you need to enter your name, date of birth and gender in the required fields.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h4″ question-4=”What Should I Do If I Find a Discrepancy in My KIITEE 2020 Admit Card?” answer-4=”If you notice any sort of a discrepancy in the KIITEE admit card, just inform the university immediately.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h4″ question-5=”Will KIIT Send a Hard Copy of the KIITEE Admit Card?” answer-5=”The candidates will not receive any hard copy of the admit card in offline mode. The officials of KIIT will only issue the KIITEE admit card online. The candidates can visit the official website to download the hard copy of it in online mode.” image-5=”” count=”6″ html=”true” css_class=””]
That’s all! This is everything you need to know about KIITEE Admit Card 2020. For more doubts, ask us in the comments section. Stay tuned to this website – KVPY by bookmarking.