Candidates who are going to appear for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam (WBJEE) this year are advised to download the syllabus from the official website. Candidates need to be very well aware of the syllabus so as to start their preparation for the exam. Without the knowledge of the syllabus, candidates cannot put a start to their study for the WBJEE exam 2020. Here we have come with the WBJEE Syllabus 2020 for you to check with. Go through it.
WBJEE Syllabus 2020
Candidates who are exhibiting interest in applying for the WBJEE exam are advised to check the syllabus before doing anything. The syllabus will help the candidate devise a plan for their studies. This will in turn assist them in making good score in the exams. Candidates need to note that the syllabus for the WBJEE exam is from 11th and 12th grades only. The subjects that are covered in the WBJEE 2020 Syllabus include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Candidates that are seeking admissions into Engineering and Technology programmes take part in this exam every year. Applicants need to be perfectly aware of the syllabus as it will further help them with their preparation.

After checking with the syllabus candidates are also advised to check the exam pattern as well. Candidates can know how the paper will be given on knowing about the exam pattern. Whereas the syllabus teaches the candidates about what will be covered in the exam paper. The WBJEE exam will be held in two papers. While the Paper 1 will be of Mathematics, Paper 2 contains questions from both Physics and Chemistry. The admissions will be given to the students that are qualified in the WBJEE exam with the perfect score as desired by the WB board. The admissions will be provided into courses like Engineering/ Technology/ Architecture/ Pharmacy. The WBJEE Syllabus 2020 PDF Download can be done through the official website only.
WBJEE 2020 Physics Syllabus
The Physics syllabus for the WBJEE exam 2020 is given here. Students can cover the 11th and 12th grade physics syllabus in their preparation and can also check it online here.
WBJEE Chemistry Syllabus 2020
The syllabus of Chemistry for the WBJEE exam is nothing but the syllabus studied back in 11th and 12th classes. Students can refer to the Chemistry syllabus in this page as well.
WBJEE Mathematics Syllabus 2020
The WBJEE Syllabus PDF is also released for Mathematics. Other than saying that Mathematics is a scoring subject, we say that it is a little tough subject to deal with, especially when it comes to competitive exams it gets tougher than usual. The syllabus for the Mathematics is here for download. It is same as what you have studied in your intermediate.
Students are advised to go through the WBJEE Syllabus 2020 of all the three subjects and prepare them all to make a remarkable score in the entrance exam. We hope the data provided here is suffice and we request your coming back soon to our website KVPY.ORG.IN.