Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Institute of Science and Technology (SRM) also known as SRM University is in plans to organize SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Exam for the aspirants this year. Candidates who are aspiring to study under graduation under SRM University can apply for the exam by visiting the official website of the university. The online applications are available in the website only. Students are suggested to download SRMJEEE Syllabus 2020 before heading towards preparation.
SRMJEEE Syllabus 2020
SRM is going to commence the JEEE exam in third week of April 2020. Many aspirants have already managed to apply for the exam through online and offline modes. Now, students are in search for the syllabus to start their preparation for the exam. As it is an entrance exam, there will be tough competitive coming their way. So, students need to study really hard to acquire admission in the under graduate courses offered by SRM University. The university has rolled out the SRM Entrance Exam Syllabus and asked its students to download it early. It has made available the PDF file of the syllabus online. The syllabus covers all the important topics that are likely to be present in the exam paper and so students need to download it and start their preparation therefore. Candidates also need SRMJEEE Admit Card to appear for the test and complete it successfully.

Students who find it time taking to go all the way and open the official website to download the PDF file of the syllabus can simply get it from here. We have also made the syllabus available in this page here. You can simply check the syllabus subject wise and download it thereafter. After checking the SRM Syllabus 2020, students are also suggested to go through the exam pattern to know how the paper is given. The exam pattern covers the time duration of the exam along with how the marks are allotted.
In order to apply for SRMJEEE exam, students should have minimum qualification of class 12th in all the subjects like physics, chemistry and biology/mathematics. The syllabus covered in the JEEE exam of SRM University mainly comprises of the 12th class syllabus of all the aforementioned subjects. Students can go with SRMJEEE Syllabus 2020 PDF Download after referring to the sample syllabus we have covered here in this page. Go through the subject wise syllabus here.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Physics
The syllabus of Physics subject include: Units and Measurement, Gravitation, Mechanics of Solids and Fluids, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Physics and Relativity, Dual Nature of Matter and Nuclear Physics, etc.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Chemistry
Chemistry subject covers topics such as: Atomic Structure, Chemical Families–Periodic Properties, Chemical Thermodynamics & Energetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Surface Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Catalysis and Nuclear Chemistry, Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry etc.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Mathematics
Mathematics subject topics include: Sets, Relations and Functions, Matrices, Determinants and their applications, Differential Calculus and its applications, Statistics and Probability, Analytical Geometry etc.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Biology
The syllabus of Biology is: Diversity in living world, structural organization in animals and plants, Cell structure and function, plant psychology, Human psychology, Genetics and evolution etc.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For English
SRMJEEE English PAper contains 5 Comprehension type questions in the form of passage. Candidates need read the passage and answer the questions.
SRMJEEE Syllabus For Aptitude
The aptitude syllabus contains Number Systems, Statistics, Percentage, Profit and loss, Quadratic Equation, Geometry, Linear Equations etc.
This is the SRM Syllabus 2020 that the applicants of SRMJEEE should be aware of. For further queries visit our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.