IISER exam 2020 is going to be held in the third week of June 2020. Contenders that are in the competition to take part in the ISSER exam can check with the dates, syllabus, exam pattern, application fee etc. Candidates need to be aware of the syllabus before get going with the application process. The IISER Syllabus 2020 is uploaded here and you can refer it to know the appropriate concepts to study for the exam. So, give this article a read.
IISER Syllabus 2020
Every year lakhs of aspirants participate in the IISER exam. The main intention of conducting the exam is to proffer admissions into dual degree courses into 7 of the most famous IISER institutes in India. With the exam impending, all the students are waiting for the release of the syllabus. Along with the notification IISER has released the syllabus for the entrance exam. Candidates are required to check the IISER Syllabus and know what topics are covered in the exam. The syllabus for all the three major subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology is presented here. Students are requested to check the syllabus from our page right away.

The syllabus updated here in this page is the latest one and has been very recently released by IISER. Students are requested to go through the syllabus and then proceed with the preparation. The syllabus is pretty easy to download and is available in PDF format. Students need to be aware of the syllabus for all the subjects as it would come to use at the time of exam preparation. The exam preparation becomes easy when the students are well versed with the IISER Syllabus 2020 PDF Download. Candidates should also check with the exam pattern other than the syllabus. The exam pattern depicts the total marks allotted to the subjects. In other words the weightage is given to the subjects based on the priority. The subject wise syllabus is here for you to download here. Students need to know that the syllabus for the IISER exam 2020 is nothing but 11th and 12th class syllabus.
IISER Syllabus 2020 for Physics
The questions will be asked from the subject Physics in the IISER exam 2020. All the topics that are studied in the 11th and 12th Physics is given here for you.
IISER Syllabus 2020 for Chemistry
The chemistry subject is also included in the syllabus of IISER exam 2020. Students are suggested to practice the Chemistry paper for good scoring.
IISER Syllabus for Mathematics 2020
It goes without saying how important Mathematics is and how easy it is to score high in this particular subject. Cover the entire syllabus of Mathematics without hitting miss to make remarkable scores.
IISER Syllabus for Biology 2020
The syllabus for Biology subject is also given here. Students can check the syllabus from here and then start the preparation.
This is the IISER Syllabus 2020 that we have addressed about afore. Hope the info we have presented here is of great use for you. Give your support by bookmarking website – KVPY.ORG.IN.